Why Do I Blog?

A few months ago I was reading a book on how the morals of our country have changed. It made me mad – not the content (which was dead on), but because the changes happened right under my nose! I had not put it together on when, how, why, and the obvious (now) incremental steps that happened to get us to where we are. Since then I have started reading and watching public events differently. I read newsletters and blogs in a different way because of my newly-found insights.

Then I started asking questions of my friends and family and found out that they were as ignorant as I had been. Recommending the book didn’t get very far. I knew I couldn’t ask them to read all of the stuff I have been reading because it wouldn’t have a matching interest to them. They would not see the articles the same way I was seeing them.

That was when I decided to start blogging. I would take one thought at a time and try to explain it carefully. If I am successful I can pass along my insights. If not, I will have had an outlet for organizing and researching my thoughts.

My second reason is to pass on a grandfather’s wisdom. I have been absorbing for a long time, but have been too introverted to say much and share what I have learned. This tool is my way of passing that wisdom on in what I feel is a somewhat anonymous way.